Stratpharma is committed to sponsor investigator initiated trials to foster young scientists and their revolutionizing ideas.
Investigator initiated trials
Investigator initiated trials can help identify new opportunities and serve unmet clinical needs. Stratpharma requires that every investigator initiated trial addresses significant scientific or medical purposes sustained by proper trial designs while being subject to an ethics review board approval.
Investigator initiated trials may be either applied clinical trials or basic laboratory research, conducted with Stratpharma funding, product or both. Stratpharma supports investigators under an agreement that will require all parties to fulfill with pertinent laws and regulatory standards.
Please use the contact form below to initiate a clinical trial.
Stratpharma ongoing clinical trials
Stratpharma is trialing its products in several locations in the world.

Participating in clinical trials
Are you interested in participating in one of the planned or ongoing clinical trials of Stratpharma products?

Latest clinical results and publications
A glance over the latest clinical data using Stratpharma products.